Friday, October 19, 2007


At an earlier, nerdier time, I wanted to host my blog via Wordpress on my own machine. I'm pretty happy with Blogger, but after seeing Flora's blog, I'm jocking Wordpress pretty hard. Anyone here make the switch and live to tell?

Heather and Yours Truly in Atlanta Y'all!

Your favorite guy will be in Atlanta checking out Heather Vega's art show. If you haven't checked out her site yet, get on it. Those of you in the area - stand up! Those of you I'm leaving behind - I'll be back tougher than ever.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Courtesy of Flora

Read this. It's Flora's lastest blog entry. There is a link to her Wordpress Blog on the side there. Of interest to me was this lunatic's rantings. I don't like to talk about race and racism, because, really, I don't believe in the concept of race (yes, race is a concept). I believe that race, and what follows and is known as racism are subjective things, and not a part of objective reality. You really have to convince yourself and buy into the idea of "race." Let me "explain" my standpoint somewhat.

Dogs are a great example. Two different kinds of dog are just two different kinds of dog-not two different races. Now are two "different kinds" (insert whatever way you continue to divide yourself from other people) of humans really that different? We're really talking about the differences in culture, people. Culture. Let's just go ahead and take "black" and "white" people, let's go there. Are we really talking about skin color? Because I say we're talking about culture. Let make some assumptions for the sake for discussion:

Racism in the U.S. originated from the culture of slavery about 400 years ago
All of those slaves were "black" (or "not-white"-whatever)

Let's assume that all of the problems that we call racism stem from the whole slavery thing. Now, riddle me this: what if all of the slaves and slave owners were of the same ethnicity/skin color/whatever? I really believe that if that were the case, we would have the exact same problems we have today, but they would be addressed as problems concerning culture and not "race".

I have to do some more thinking on this. There is more to follow, for sure. I want all of your feedback - do not hold back. Thank you Flora,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Reply from Sensei Tom Huffman

Hey Autrelle,

Did you read what I sent you? We handle "Psycho Stabs" and "Slashes" regularly. Also one of my senseis Nishimoto Sensei liked the knife held back along the wrist. It is much different to handle. My advanced students are getting pretty good at handling them. I don't advocate anyone going to "test" them for real. I think that would be stupid!! And, if you do that, you deserve to get stabbed.

Elizabeth has brought in an interesting attack knife that looks like a parrot's beak that is sharpened on both sides and has a twirling ring for a finger on one end. There is only one thought of someone carrying this type of knife, and it is purely to attack people. We are going to develop take-aways for this knife.

I will be stressing to people that this person does not deserve the "We don't injure people." response. I tell her that the Ai Ki in this case is for the good of the rest of society. The person who is carrying this knife should be seriously debilitated so he has a long time to consider the error of his ways.

I don't see any reason to learn knife to knife techniques. How many people in society carry a knife of any size. Not many in America. Therefore, it is better to focus on how to handle the armed attack when you are disarmed.

And the knife against a sword or jo is just stupid on the part of the knife attacker. The knife attacker is so out ranged that the knife attacker's chance at successfully disabling someone carrying a longer range weapon is probably less than 5% or 5 out of 100 attacks. The knife attacker will loose OFTEN.

Tom Huffman Aikido of Gainesville, Florida

There are some great points of interest here. I have to do some homework and wrap my brain around my own response. Huffman Sensei's input here is much valued.

How not to be sad

Sometimes I do things backwards. By that I mean, if I can't figure out exactly how to do something, I can usually figure out EXACTLY HOW NOT TO DO IT. For example, I can't tell you how to be happy. But, I can you how not to be sad.

Here's something that I learned a long time ago and I always forget:
Don't make your happiness so conditional.
Yet, we all do it everyday. If I get this job, I'll be happy. If so-and-so calls me, I'll be happy. What happens when you tell yourself these sort of things is that you program yourself to be unhappy if you don't get what you want. You don't always get what you want. There is no need to make yourself unhappy. Fight for your happiness! Lest it be torn from you by force, be happy.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 5

I met up with a bunch of my friends the night before my birthday.
There was some beer involved. I had my camera. This is what happened.


I have a lot to cover. Even unemployed I find very little time for myself!
What to expect in the next few entries:

Hundreds of pictures: My martial arts friends, birthday pictures, partying, etc.
More on the knife
Some thoughts I have had about some recent conversations
What my friend Jerry calls "Go-Kyu Shihans" (I love that!)

Just stick around, okay?